array-hash Documentation

A C++ implementation of a fast and memory efficient hash map/set for strings

Cache conscious hash map and hash set for strings based on the "Cache-conscious collision resolution in string hash tables." (Askitis Nikolas and Justin Zobel, 2005) paper. You can find some details regarding the structure here.

Thanks to its cache friendliness, the structure provides fast lookups while keeping a low memory usage. The main drawback is the rehash process which is a bit slow and need some spare memory to copy the strings from the old hash table to the new hash table (it can’t use std::move as the other hash tables using std::string as key).

Four classes are provided: tsl::array_map, tsl::array_set, tsl::array_pg_map and tsl::array_pg_set. The first two are faster and use a power of two growth policy, the last two use a prime growth policy instead and are able to cope better with a poor hash function. Use the prime version if there is a chance of repeating patterns in the lower bits of your hash (e.g. you are storing pointers with an identity hash function). See GrowthPolicy for details.

A benchmark of tsl::array_map against other hash maps can be found here. This page also gives some advices on which hash table structure you should try for your use case (useful if you are a bit lost with the multiple hash tables implementations in the tsl namespace). You can also find another benchmark on the tsl::hat-trie page.


Differences compare to std::unordered_map

tsl::array_map tries to have an interface similar to std::unordered_map, but some differences exist:

These differences also apply between std::unordered_set and tsl::array_set.

Thread-safety and exception guarantees are similar to the STL containers.

Hash function

The default hash function used by the structure depends on the presence of std::string_view. If it is available, std::hash<std::string_view> is used, otherwise a simple FNV-1a hash function is used to avoid any dependency.

If you can't use C++17 or later, we recommend to replace the hash function with something like CityHash, MurmurHash, FarmHash, ... for better performances. On the tests we did, CityHash64 offers a ~40% improvement on reads compared to FNV-1a.

#include <city.h>
struct str_hash {
std::size_t operator()(const char* key, std::size_t key_size) const {
return CityHash64(key, key_size);
tsl::array_map<char, int, str_hash> map;

The std::hash<std::string> can't be used efficiently as the structure doesn't store any std::string object. Any time a hash would be needed, a temporary std::string would have to be created.

Growth policy

The library supports multiple growth policies through the GrowthPolicy template parameter. Three policies are provided by the library but you can easily implement your own if needed.

To implement your own policy, you have to implement the following interface.

struct custom_policy {
// Called on hash table construction and rehash, min_bucket_count_in_out is the minimum buckets
// that the hash table needs. The policy can change it to a higher number of buckets if needed
// and the hash table will use this value as bucket count. If 0 bucket is asked, then the value
// must stay at 0.
explicit custom_policy(std::size_t& min_bucket_count_in_out);
// Return the bucket [0, bucket_count()) to which the hash belongs.
// If bucket_count() is 0, it must always return 0.
std::size_t bucket_for_hash(std::size_t hash) const noexcept;
// Return the number of buckets that should be used on next growth
std::size_t next_bucket_count() const;
// Maximum number of buckets supported by the policy
std::size_t max_bucket_count() const;
// Reset the growth policy as if the policy was created with a bucket count of 0.
// After a clear, the policy must always return 0 when bucket_for_hash() is called.
void clear() noexcept;


To use the library, just add the include directory to your include path. It is a header-only library.

If you use CMake, you can also use the tsl::array_hash exported target from the CMakeLists.txt with target_link_libraries.

# Example where the array-hash project is stored in a third-party directory
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE tsl::array_hash)

If the project has been installed through make install, you can also use find_package(tsl_array_hash REQUIRED) instead of add_subdirectory.

The code should work with any C++11 standard-compliant compiler and has been tested with GCC 4.8.4, Clang 3.5.0 and Visual Studio 2015.

To run the tests you will need the Boost Test library and CMake.

git clone
cd array-hash/tests
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


The API can be found here. If std::string_view is available, the API changes slightly and can be found here.


#include <iostream>
#include <tsl/array_map.h>
#include <tsl/array_set.h>
int main() {
// Map of const char* to int
tsl::array_map<char, int> map = {{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}};
map["three"] = 3;
map["four"] = 4;
map.insert("five", 5);
map.insert_ks("six_with_extra_chars_we_ignore", 3, 6);
// When template parameter StoreNullTerminator is true (default) and there is no
// null character in the strings.
for(auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << "{" << it.key() << ", " << it.value() << "}" << std::endl;
// If StoreNullTerminator is false for space efficiency or you are storing null characters,
// you can access to the size of the key.
for(auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
(std::cout << "{").write(it.key(), it.key_size()) << ", " << it.value() << "}" << std::endl;
// Better, use key_sv() if you compiler provides access to std::string_view.
for(auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << "{" << it.key_sv() << ", " << it.value() << "}" << std::endl;
// Or if you just want the values.
for(int value: map) {
std::cout << "{" << value << "}" << std::endl;
// Map of const char32_t* to int
tsl::array_map<char32_t, int> map_char32 = {{U"one", 1}, {U"two", 2}};
map_char32[U"three"] = 3;
// Set of const char*
tsl::array_set<char> set = {"one", "two", "three"};
set.insert({"four", "five"});
for(auto it = set.begin(); it != set.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << "{" << it.key() << "}" << std::endl;


The library provides an efficient way to serialize and deserialize a map or a set so that it can be saved to a file or send through the network. To do so, it requires the user to provide a function object for both serialization and deserialization.

struct serializer {
// Must support the following types for U: std::uint64_t, float and T if a map is used.
void operator()(const U& value);
void operator()(const CharT* value, std::size_t value_size);
struct deserializer {
// Must support the following types for U: std::uint64_t, float and T if a map is used.
U operator()();
void operator()(CharT* value_out, std::size_t value_size);

Note that the implementation leaves binary compatibilty (endianness, float binary representation, ...) of the types it serializes/deserializes in the hands of the provided function objects if compatibilty is required.

More details regarding the serialize and deserialize methods can be found in the API.

#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <tsl/array_map.h>
class serializer {
serializer(const char* file_name) {
m_ostream.exceptions(m_ostream.badbit | m_ostream.failbit);;
template<class T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
void operator()(const T& value) {
m_ostream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&value), sizeof(T));
void operator()(const char32_t* value, std::size_t value_size) {
m_ostream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), value_size*sizeof(char32_t));
std::ofstream m_ostream;
class deserializer {
deserializer(const char* file_name) {
m_istream.exceptions(m_istream.badbit | m_istream.failbit | m_istream.eofbit);;
template<class T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
T operator()() {
T value;<char*>(&value), sizeof(T));
return value;
void operator()(char32_t* value_out, std::size_t value_size) {<char*>(value_out), value_size*sizeof(char32_t));
std::ifstream m_istream;
int main() {
const tsl::array_map<char32_t, int> map = {{U"one", 1}, {U"two", 2}, {U"three", 3}, {U"four", 4}};
const char* file_name = "";
serializer serial(file_name);
deserializer dserial(file_name);
auto map_deserialized = tsl::array_map<char32_t, int>::deserialize(dserial);
assert(map == map_deserialized);
deserializer dserial(file_name);
* If the serialized and deserialized map are hash compatibles (see conditions in API),
* setting the argument to true speed-up the deserialization process as we don't have
* to recalculate the hash of each key. We also know how much space each bucket needs.
const bool hash_compatible = true;
auto map_deserialized = tsl::array_map<char32_t, int>::deserialize(dserial, hash_compatible);
assert(map == map_deserialized);


The code is licensed under the MIT license, see the [LICENSE file](LICENSE) for details.